Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Similar Artists Demographics

Artists that are similar to our chosen acoustic indie singer Mike Dignam, include:

- Ben Howard
- Jack Johnson
- Mumford and Sons (as their genre)
- Joshua Radin
- John Mayer
- Nick Camillo
- Jason Mraz
- Ed Sheeran 
- Paolo Nutini

To help provide knowledge about our target audience for our music video and genre, I will look into the demographics of some of the artists listed above by looking on their Facebook pages, Twitter, YouTube etc. 

Joshua Radin

Joshua Radin is known for his guitar in hand, acoustic indie genre and generally writes lyrics about love and girls, therefore this could be a good artist to look into. From looking at Joshua Radin's band page on Facebook, I noticed that compared to his twitter account he has more 'likes' than followers which may indicate that his listeners tend to keep up to date with his music via Facebook more than Twitter. The statistics also shows on his Facebook 'likes' that the "most popular age group" is 18-24 and with over 300,000 likes, it indicates that the majority of that number are between that age group. 

When looking into his Twitter page, I looked at the first few followers that he has and noticed there are probably more females than males but there are also a good amount of male followers. This suggests that we should be aiming for similar genders and ages but maybe focusing at females more.
However the Facebook page demonstrates that the majority of listeners live in Los Angeles, United States but this could be due to Joshua originating from there. Although this shows that our English artist will have more English listeners than from other origins. 

His YouTube video of his song 'Winter' shows the amount of views it has had which is very high of over 7 million. This indicates that his music is popular via YouTube, however he hasn't created many music videos for his songs.

Ben Howard

Ben Howard is very well known in the UK rather than Joshua Radin due to him being brought up in Cornwall, UK. He is known for his upbeat but relaxing acoustic music who has various audiences ranging from teenagers to adults.
From looking at his Facebook page I noticed that he has over 500, 000 'likes' on his band page which includes the majority of the 'likes' being aged 18-24 again. The Facebook page also shows the area in which most of the 'likes' come from which is London. 
When looking at his Twitter page, I realised the same outcome appeared to Joshua Radin's, that he has less followers than 'likes' however this could be because his target audiences like listening to his music but tend not to keep up to date on his career, tours and lifestyle etc. The followers of Ben's Twitter page also feature an equal mix of males and females unlike Joshua Radin mainly containing female listeners.

When looking at Ben's video comments underneath the music video 'Keep Your Head Up' on YouTube, I saw that there are a lot of complimentary comments about the video and how the camera men have filmed it, for example the use of the "fun" water slide in the video demonstrated something different for Indie and kept the young audience interested and entertained. The comments beneath the video include, "That looks so fun", "This video just gave me life", "Love the water slide" which suggests why they prefer that genre to other genres, that lip syncing hasn't got to be a huge part of the video and that a 'fun' side of a video is a good aspect to consider especially as our music choice includes an upbeat chorus.

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