Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Final Idea For Our Music Video

Deciding on our final idea for our music video was a difficult decision to make, for example how and which effects we would use such as the god like figure (as explained previously http://nfgsannahigginson.blogspot.co.uk/2013/10/god-figure-idea.html ) or we use the singer as one of the character in the relationship. However we decided to not use the singer as the omniscient narrator but use him as the main male character who is demonstrated through the relationship with the girl and through lip syncing. I think this approach will work well especially as we can use the effect of the overlay of scenes as the singer is shown in the past and the present of the narrative.

I created this Prezi myself to make it more clear as to how the storyline will develop throughout the music video and how the techniques used will evolve.

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