Sunday, 8 September 2013

Music Video Analysis -Editing and Camera

Beyonce - Single Ladies

The music video for 'Single Ladies' by Beyonce is very well known due to the classic dance routine and the formation of three girls with the main spotlight upon Beyonce. Beyonce's music is highly popular all over the world and is known as an inspiring icon to the youth today. Her genre is generally R&B and Pop which is how she attracts her target audience from young teenagers to 40 year old's. Beyonce's music video for 'Single Ladies' is known as her signature as an artist due to her hair and the dance routine that most of the public today would have seen.

Camera and Editing

  • Establishing shot at beginning (fading in from a blackout) sets the scene of a dance stage where the audience will see Beyonce and two dancers dancing in sync to the music, which brings out the sex appeal of the video due to little clothing, heels and the way the artist is dancing.
  • Close ups on Beyonce's face, hand with metal on (indicating the robot theme), clothing and the lighting which helps the audience to focus their eyes on Beyonce not the other two dancers as much. 
  • Panning around the performers demonstrates the convincing side of the video as it shows the artist from all angles and that she's actually dancing.
  • Close ups to longs shots to show the comparison between Beyonce and the other two dancers.
  • Some low angles shown to demonstrate the power, the spot light on Beyonce also supports this.
  • Eye line - the audience eyes will be drawn to the centre of the screen in which the singer will be. The different clothing of the singer also supports this as you notice the contrast to the dancers. 
  • Master shot shown throughout - Three ladies seen through a long shot to draw out the sex appeal and give contrast to the background as they are in black, bold colours. 

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