Saturday, 16 November 2013


In order to film our music video in professional and high standards, it is important that we use a well equipped camera that will help our shots look great.

This camera that is shown is the one we will be using as it enables us to film in HD quality, which will allow us to film some decent close ups and good footage of the scenery we would like to include. It is a handheld cannon camera and is provided by the Media Department at school. As we now intend to film some POV shots, it will become very useful to us as it is very lightweight and easy to use. The camera can also be fitted onto a tripod which will enable us to keep the camera still whilst filming and pan or track around different scenery's and subjects.

Another piece of equipment that we have already used to take the photos for our digi pack is a digital Nikon D3100, which is a great camera to use as it can perform some high quality shots and you can use many techniques with it. As it is my own camera I had already had experience with it which sped up time. The camera is very good as taking close up shots, out of focus and shots that heighten the background which is what we need for our digipack photos.

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