Monday, 1 July 2013

Mood Board

Below demonstrates the Acoustic Indie genre shown through album artwork of artists such as Lucy Rose, City and Colour, Haim, Kodaline. These artists particular show their genre as the mise-en-scene on their albums include props such as guitars, hats, old/vintage radios and the location of the photograph being taken at an unusual place. 

As you can see from the mood board created by myself and my group, you can see that Indie artists tend to use natural, bright colours and the photography plays a big role in the appearance of their album covers. However some of the album covers shown demnstrate the lack of interest in the negative space in the images. Although they use natural lights and locations of attractive, fun and interest, there tends to be some negative space that isn't being used. -Such as on the beach on Kodaline's album cover.

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